Category Archives: Class News

Tomatosphere: How many have germinated?

Dear students,

We planted our tomato seeds last Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017.  Today  is Monday, May 8th.  How many days have past?

How many tomato plants have germinated in Group G? How many tomato plants have germinated in Group H?

From, Ms. Sim

Tomatosphere seed packages

These two packages of seeds were sent to us. Which package spent time at the international space station?

Dear students,

We have been give two packages of seeds, package G and package H.  One package spent time on the International Space Station in July/August 2016 for 6 weeks.  The other package stayed on our planet.  

Which package do you think would grow more tomatoes and why?  Please share.

From, Ms Sim

Introduction to Tomatosphere

Image result for astronauts and plantsImage result for astronaut images

Dear students,

We are involved in an out-of-this-world class research experiment called Tomatosphere.

What did you find interesting from the Tomatosphere introduction video?  Please share your questions.  Why would astronauts need to learn about growing plants?  Why do you think we should we study about plants?  What do you think would happen to seeds if they went to outer space?  I look forward to reading your comments.

From, Ms. Sim

Thank you to students and our parent volunteers!


Dear students,

We had such a wonderful day on Friday releasing our salmon at Byrne Creek.  I thank all of you for following directions and for making it such a fun day.  I would like to say a special thank you to our parent volunteers, Nathalie’s father and to both Bowen and Kieran’s mothers.  They helped to keep everyone safe and for the field trip to run so smoothly.  

Thanks also again for Kieran’s mom for giving each student a gift.  Please say a thank you to all our parents, Ms. Dittrich and also to Kieran’s mom (Ms Chung) for your gift.  Feel free to share what your received and why you chose it.

Sincerely, Ms. Sim

Byrne Creek Salmon Release

Dear Students,

Today we will be saying goodbye to our 55 Chum salmon fry that we raised in our pod and will release them at Byrne Creek.  They need to be in a river to eat and grow into smolt as they swim to the ocean and then return one day to spawn.

Please share your thoughts about the salmon release today.  How do you feel about releasing our salmon into the creek?  Why do we need to do this?  Please make connections.


Ms. Sim

Computer Blog Guidelines

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Student Blogging Guidelines
Publishing thoughts and ideas on the internet is a very public activity. Publishing as part of a blog is a classroom activity so you should not write anything that you would not say or write in your regular classroom.

Five Blogging Rules

1. Be safe 
•Anyone can access the Internet and view what you write on a blog. Your page is ‘protected’ but there is nothing to stop people from copying your material and placing it elsewhere on the web.
•Protect your privacy. Use your given username and do not post pictures of yourself.
•Keep all personal information to yourself.
2. Be mindful of what you say 
•You are responsible for anything that is posted in your username.
•Use appropriate language (e.g. limit your use of text speak or netlingo).
•Follow writing conventions including spelling, grammar and punctuation.
•Try not to generalize your sentences. Avoid the use of “All” and “Everyone”.
•How you say something is as important as what you say.
•Could you be misunderstood? Be clear in the message you are trying to convey.
•Images inserted into a blog must be related to the context of the message and follow copyright rules.
3. Be respectful to others 
•Blogs are about ideas – agree or disagree with an idea, NOT the person. Freedom of speech does not give you the right to be rude.
•When responding, try giving two stars and a wish (two positive comments and one thing you think could improve).
•Use evidence to support your position and make sure what you write is fair and accurate.
4. Be informative 
•Write about and present what you know. Make sure you get your facts straight and ask for advice if you are not sure.
•Linking to web sites from your blog or blog comments in support of your argument is an excellent idea. You are responsible for checking the accuracy of the information you post online.
•Respect copyright. It’s customary in the blogosphere to cite sources by linking to them within blog posts, and it’s recommended that you do so.
5. Be interesting
•One way to do this is to expand on others ideas. You can quote other people’s work, link back to it and add your own thoughts or opinions to their ideas.
•Make it interesting and fun so that you will encourage your readers and listeners to come back for more. There’s no point in blogging if people don’t read or listen to what you say.

I am a thinker

Image result for word web for kidsImage result for sports music image clip artImage result for sports music image clip artImage result for teacher asking question clipartImage result for reading researching question clipartImage result for reading researching question clipart

Dear students,

Today we talked about how as learners we are all thinkers.  Thank you for participating in our classroom discussion about what a thinker looks like.

As a thinker I can

  • build on the ideas of others and create new ideas of my own
  • have interests and passions that I pursue over time
  • ask questions to learn more about things
  • gather information about topics I am curious about

Please share how you are a thinker?  What are some things that you do that show that you are thinker.

Sincerely, Ms. Sim

Marimba Mazuva

Marimba Mazuva performing

Dear students,

We had a visit from an amazing group of musicians called Marimba Mazuva.  Their instruments were handmade by themselves or from Africa.  They even used their boots as instruments!  I enjoyed their music, dancing and the story that they shared with us called, “Kombi and the White Lion.”  

Did you enjoy today’s performance? What was your favourite part of the show?  If you could make an instrument what would you make?  What could you use to make one with materials that you have around the house?

Sincerely, Ms. Sim

Thank you to Ms Chung (Kieran’s mom)

We were so lucky to get a visit from Kieran’s mom! She shared her Beanie Baby collection with us and every student received a special and different stuffie! Thank you so much Ms Chung.  The students have been using their imagination to write about and make a home for their Beanie Baby!

Dear Students,

Please feel free to say thank you to Ms. Chung.  You can also share the name and an interesting fact about your Beanie Baby.

Sincerely, Ms. Sim