Category Archives: Class News

Thermal Energy project 2

Image result for reading books clipart researchImage result for computer clipart research

Today we will be starting our next Thermal energy project.  Each group of students will have a question that they will study.  Please research the answer and find some examples that explains your Thermal Energy Concept.  You need to have at least 5 sentences about your topic.

Here are some of our Thermal Energy questions:

  1. What is Thermal Energy?  (Lucas, Daniel)
  2. What are basic sources of Thermal Energy?  (Marcus, Kieran)
  3. How does Thermal Energy work?  (Emily, Concetta, Marina)
  4. What is the difference between heat and temperature?  (Zoe, Ibrakhim, Joseph)
  5. How does Thermal Energy Transfer?  (Arwen, Sarah)  
  6. What is Conduction? (Salina, Angela)   (Nathalie, Arianna, Zoe)
  7. What is Convection?  (Mohamed A, Matthew, Andres)
  8. What is Radiation?  (Bowen, Mohamed F)

Extra questions for people who would like to make some Fun Fact videos.

  • What is an insulator?
  • What is friction?
  • How do you measure temperature?
  • Feel free to share about other interesting facts about Thermal Energy

Below are some websites to help you start your research:


Below is our rubric for our Thermal Energy Project:


Tomatosphere results

Dear class,

We submitted our tomatosphere data results.  

We planted 25 plants in group G and group H.  22 plants grew for each group.  Tomatosphere has sent us our results.  Group G were seeds were regular seeds from Earth and Group H seeds spent 6 weeks at the international space station!  It was interesting that the same amount grew.  Usually the ones that spend time in outer space produce less plants, however this year the growth was very similar.  Thank you to all the students in our class for participating in the Tomatosphere project.

Our certificate looks like this!  Doesn’t it look great!


Ms. Sim


Kieran & Marcus- Heat

Ibrakhim – Heat

Concetta – Heat

Joseph- Heat

Sarah- Heat

Students videos on Thermal Energy

Image result for thermal energy clip artImage result for movie clip art

Dear students,

We have been making our own thermal energy videos from books we read on the topic.  Please will begin watching and listening to your classmate’s videos next week.  You may share positive comments or questions after watching them.  I can’t wait to see them all!

Please bring a set of earphones to school on Monday, May 29th.  Please put it in a ziplock bag with your name on it.  We will likely use them for 2-3 weeks.

From, Ms. Sim

tomatosphere update- May 23rd

Dear Students,

Today our tomato plants have grown even more!  If plants need air, water, soil and sun to grow.  Would seeds also need that sort of environment to be healthy too?  Group G has twenty-two plants growing and Group H has twenty-three plants growing.  

After this beautiful sunny weekend, I know I need sunshine to grow, too.  What are some things you need to grow healthy and strong?

Sincerely, Ms. Sim

Tomatosphere update- Monday, May 15th, 2017

Dear Students,

Today is Monday, May 15th.  Our plants have been growing for 13 days.  How many plants have grown in group G?  How many plants have grown in Group H?

Feel free to share your thoughts and questions!

Sincerely, Ms Sim