“The New Normal” – what will be happening in June?

Dear Division 8 Families,

As you are already aware, some students are voluntarily returning to school on a part-time basis starting June 1.  Ms. Sharma and I would like to inform you of the schedule that will take place for the month of June to accommodate online and in class learning.  All students, whether online or at school, will be working on the same assignments.  Our focus will continue to be on literacy, numeracy and Social Emotional Learning.  Ms. Silva will be teaching students at school on Monday’s and Ms. Sharma will be teaching students at school on Tuesday’s.

Online learning will continue to be the same, we will still be posting Weekly assignments on the blog under Shape of the Week by 8pm Sunday and will upload the assignments to Fresh Grade.  Office hours on Zoom and Zoom Class Meetings will be the same. Ms. Silva will continue regular office hours on Zoom, on Tuesday’s from 1:30 -3:00 and Ms. Sharma will continue regular office hours on Zoom, on Thursday’s from 10:30 – 12:00.  We will continue to have our Zoom Class meeting on Wednesday’s at 11am. Meeting ID’s and passwords are the same.

Please continue to email both of us if you have any questions and we will try our best to get back to you within 24 hours.

Below we have added a URL to  a Social Story about this “new normal”. You may want to share this with your child to help them understand some of the changes that are happening to keep everyone safe as some students return to school and others continue to work online.


Thank you for your flexibility and continued patience as we adapt to the changes that are occurring.  We would also like to take this time to thank you for all your continued support and hard work with your children during the past few months.


Ms. Silva & Ms. Sharma