Good Bye Chicks: The Chicks have been taken to their permanent home!

A Temporary home for the 6 baby chicks to grow a little bigger

I am happy to announce that on Friday evening (May 22nd)  I took the chicks to the farm.  Our six  sweet little chicks are now reunited with their mother.  They are  also with the 4 other chicks, Ellie, Billy, Chips and Tuffo, plus the 7 chicks that Ms. Edward’s had.  I was able to take some photo’s to show you their happy home.

Ellie, Billy, Chips, Tuffo and Ms. Edward’s chicks are now outside in a pen with a shelter until they are big enough to be on the grounds with the full size Chickens and Rooster.
This is Cesar and Alice who take care of the Chickens