Monday April 27th is a Professional Day


Monday April 27 is a Professional Development Day

We will be collaborating virtually with Suncrest staff, as well as with other educational professionals while we participate in online workshops. Make sure you treat today as you would any other PRO-D Day if we were physically in school. Spend the day at home or outside with your family.

The weekly schedule for Tuesday April 28th -Friday May 1st can be found under SHAPE OF THE WEEK. (Please note- From now on weekly plans will be posted under Shape of the Week )

Today is Day 9 of our NEW CHICK EGGS

As you are already aware we have NEW EGGS and Ms. Sharma and I  just want you to know that today Friday April 24th  is DAY 9.  We have not been posting anything about the development of our chicks as we were waiting to catch up to our  previous count. Now we are all caught up, so we will continue to post the new changes that are occurring to the embryo daily!



Week At a Glance April 20-April 24th

Shape of the Week April 20th-24th

Please complete these activities over the week and work at a pace that works best for your family. Please hand in all assignments by Friday April 24th through Fresh Grade Student Upload—Thanks!

Typing Club:

As we are working more and more on computer these days it will be beneficial to have keyboarding skills.  Please pick 2 times this week and have your child work on TypingClub for 10-15 minutes.  This could be part of their morning routine.  E.g.  Wake up, wash your face, make your bed, get dressed and eat breakfast, then brush your teeth and log into Typing Club and work on keyboarding skills for 10-15 minutes.


  • Please watch Mashup math video on you tube – “THE BEST HANDS-ON FRACTIONS ACTIVITY EVER” (please copy and paste the link into ULR)

  • Complete Introduction to Fraction sheet. These sheets will be sent out through Fresh Grade. Please hand in to Fresh Grade. Due by Friday, April 24th


  • Finish the final copy of your Chick Journal Entry (days 1-9 see blog) Please hand in to Fresh Grade. Due by Friday, April 24th


  • Read 2 books from Raz kids and answer the questions.
  • Do one recording of one of your reading please by Friday April 24th on Raz Kids 

**Let Ms. Silva know right away if the reading level is too difficult or way too easy on Raz kids as we have adjusted the reading levels.

April 22nd is EARTH DAY!!  Please make an Earth Day Promise with your family!

  • Listen to one of the Stories: (copy and paste link into search bar)

EARTH DAY IS EVERY DAY by Lisa Bullard and Xiao Xin

I CAN SAVE THE EARTH by Alison Inches and Viviana Garofoli

  • Then discuss with your family one thing you can do together to help the earth.  Make an Earth Day Promise and write down one commitment you will make to the earth to take care of it.  Some Suggestions might be to plant some plants, compost, stop using zip lock bags, turn off the lights during the day and use day light etc.

My Earth Day Promise is to……….

Please post this on Fresh Grade once completed besideyour Recycled Self- Portrait (see below)

Visual Art 

  • Recycled Paper Self-Portrait: make “Recycle Kids” self-portraits on newspaper print.

First, start by drawing a self-portrait with a pencil on newspaper print.

Then use sharpies to trace over the pencil lines.

Next, color clothes and hair (not skin- skin stays as newsprint).

Glue onto cardstock for durability (only if you have some or something harder like cardboard) and cut out. Post this on your window.

(if this Art project is too much then omit it!)


Sing along and write out what each letter stands for in the word EARTH

  • Splash Math – work on fraction assignements
  • Khan Academy Math Practice
  • Cool Math 4 Kids (Math Games)
  • Epic
  • Typing Club




Chicks- An Unfortunate Event….

Division 8 Students,
I have some sad news and some good news. I will start with the sad news. Over the past two days something has not been working well with the incubator and I am worried that the eggs may not hatch on day 21. I am going to keep these eggs in the incubator and see what happens but do not want to go all 21 days only to discover we do not have chicks.
Good News…… the farmer that I know has given us 12 more fertilized eggs and a new incubator to use. I have put these new eggs into the incubator, and we will start all over. Today will make us at Day 2. I will re-post the growth for each new day for you starting over.
I know you are writing in your chick journal in the perspective of an embryo growing in the egg. You are picking 2 stages from day 1- 9 and your rough copy for this is due today. By the time you finish your good copy next Friday we should be on Day 9 for our new chicks so we will continue from there. I hope you understand and hope you are still as excited as I am to invite these new chicks into the world. I will post a new Calendar for our Countdown.