Week 2: October 5th-9th

Happy October Everyone! Here is the weekly plan for the week of October 5th-9th! I look forward to students sharing their learning with me! Next week I will be setting up one on one Zoom conferences with students to check in with them and do a quick assessment to give me a sense of where […]


Welcome to our class blog!

Hello and thank you for visiting our class blog.  This is where you will find information about our weekly assignments. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we set up our online classroom.  I am thrilled to be working with you and your children this year. A few administrative things: – please ensure […]


⚫️ Visual Schedule Printable

Here are some printable cards (found online) that can be used to create a visual schedule/routine/plan for your child’s day. You and your child may enjoy creating your plan for the day together, and then ‘checking’ off (or taking down) activities your child has finished to feel a sense of accomplishment.   Visual Schedule (Home […]