Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stream of Dreams

Today we participated in the Stream of Dreams workshop.  We got to learn about Salmon and Water Systems in our community.  We also got to be artists and paint some beautiful designs on wooden Salmon.  You will see them hanging … Continue reading

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Some Bunnies love you!

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Social Studies Show and Tell!

The students in Div. 12 loved sharing their traditional objects with their friends during Show and Tell! This was a great way for them to practice presenting, asking and answering questions, and talking about the significance of their item!

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Graphing Fun!

For the past few weeks, the students in Div. 12 have been learning all about graphing in math. Here, they can be seen playing a fun graphing game in partners, where they had to roll dice to see which winter … Continue reading

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Classroom Christmas Tree

Hello, Div. 12 families! Here are some pictures of our very own classroom Christmas tree! The kids were so excited to paint Christmas ornaments to hang on the tree!

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Counting Scavenger Hunt

  Yesterday, we went on a counting scavenger hunt! The kids had to find 5 leaves, 4 pine needles, 3 small rocks, 2 small sticks, and 1 flower. Their bonus task was to count how many things they had gathered … Continue reading

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Happy Halloween

Check out our Jack o lanterns that we made with Ms. Elly and our marble paint spider webs that we made with Mrs. Rosen.

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Making Patterns from Nature with our Kindergarten Friends

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