Fr8 P1&3 – lundi le 31 oct

Today we:

  • learned some Halloween vocab & played some games!

For next class:

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Fr10H – vendredi le 28 oct

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P8 – vendredi le 28 oct

Today we:

  • learned some Halloween vocab & played some games!

For next class:

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Trip to Québec – Spring Break 2023 – if you are interested, please complete this form no later than Sunday November 6th

Hey all! I am in the process of organizing a trip to Québec during Spring Break 2023! This has NOT yet been approved by the district as I need to know that there are enough interested students before moving to the next step of seeking approval. That’s what this form is for – to find out how many of you are seriously interested (and can afford) to join us on this trip! Please fill out this form by 11:59pm Sunday November 6th (deadline has been extended)!

I am waiting to hear back from the travel company for an exact itinerary, but here is some information:

  • This trip is open to any current Burnaby South students who are in Grade 10 or higher AND have completed French 10 or higher (if you are currently registered in French 10 or French 10 Honours, come and see me)
  • The cost will be in the $2700-$3300 range (sadly, it has gone up since I initially got a quote from the travel company)
  • It is meant to be a 7 day, 6 night trip
  • We would be leaving somewhere around March 11-13 (depending on flight costs)
  • It would include Insurance Manulife Ellison Youth Plan + upgrade option Premium Protection Plan
  • We would be visiting Montréal & Québec city (and possibly Montebello)
  • Wish-list items include (I’ve asked the travel company to include the following and fingers crossed they can include them all):
  • Cooking class
  • Cirque de soleil class
  • Cabane à sucre
  • Notre-Dame de Montréal
  • Biodome
  • Olympic Tower
  • Chute Montmorency
  • Valcartier Winter Playground
  • Québec Ice Hotel

If this is something that you are seriously interested in (and believe that you have/will have the funds for the total cost), talk to your parents about it and with their approval, please fill out this form!

***Please note, for this trip to be a reality, a few things would have to happen – the district would need to approve it and we need enough students to come (at least 20 students)***

Click here to fill out the form (if you missed the first few links)

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours | Leave a comment

Fr11 – jeudi le 27 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • fait Un0 pré-dictée B
  • appris de nouveau vocab – Un0b – Tp32-33
  • fait Tp33 #1
  • répondu à des questions orales – Tp34 #5
  • commencé Cp7-8 #1-4

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • Cp7-8 #1-4 – mercredi le 2 nov
  • Supersite – mercredi le 2 nov
  • Un0 Dictée B – vendredi le 4 nov
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Are you checking my website regularly?

If yes, this is your lucky day! Complete this by next class 9:10am, Monday October 31st and you earn yourself a class dojo!

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8 | Leave a comment

Fr11H – jeudi le 27 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • reçu les tests corrigés (Un3a)
  • corrigé Cp51-52
  • fait une activité d’écoute pour pratiquer Un3b.1 (ouvrir, offrir etc)
  • appris le conditionnel (Un3b.2 – Tp150-151)
  • fait deux activités d’écoute pour pratiquer le conditionnel
  • répondu à quelques questions orales pour pratiquer la grammaire – Tp149 #4 & Tp151 #4

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • nous jouons à Loup garou lundi!!!
  • Cp53-54#1, 3 & 4 – mercredi le 2 nov
  • Supersite x1 – mercredi le 2 nov
  • Quiz de grammaire (Un3b.1 & Un3b.2) – vendredi le 4 nov
  • Un3 Test – jeudi le 17 nov
Posted in French 11 Honours | Leave a comment

Fr8 P1&3 – jeudi le 27 oct

Today we:

  • handed in the Disparu(e) assignments (either on paper or through Teams)
  • got our CMML Test #1 back (and need to get it signed by a parent and bring it back next class)
  • wrote CMML pré-Dictée B
  • corrected the adjectives WS
  • continued working on adjectives – Cp21

For next class:

  • Bring back your signed tests!!! – lundi le 31 oct
  • Cp21 – mercredi le 2 nov
  • CMML Dictée B – vendredi le 4 nov
Posted in French 8 | Leave a comment

Fr8 P8 – mercredi le 26 oct

Today we:

  • handed in the Disparu(e) assignments (either on paper or through Teams)
  • got our CMML Test #1 back (and need to get it signed by a parent and bring it back next class)
  • wrote CMML pré-Dictée B
  • corrected the adjectives WS
  • continued working on adjectives – Cp21

For next class:

  • Bring back your signed tests!!! – vendredi le 28 oct
  • Cp21 – mardi le 1er nov
  • CMML Dictée B – jeudi le 3 nov
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Fr10H – mercredi le 26 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit notre premier test (Un0a)

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • rien!
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