Fr10H – mardi le 18 avril

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • travaillé les présentations (Les Trois Mousquetaires) – due mardi le 25 avril
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Fr8 P6&8 – mardi le 18 avril

Today we:

  • worked on the restaurant presentations in computer lab B213
  • received copies of the EEH Review Package

For next class:

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Fr11 – lundi le 17 avril

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • travaillé les présentations de la tâche finale (Un2) dans le labo B213
  • we did NOT start the oral parts of the test because Mme Romain is sick (and didn’t want you sitting close to her and catching her cold)
    • We can’t reschedule everyone, so it’s first-come, first-serve to do it Wednesday April 19th in class. Go sign up for one of the 12 spaces on the Google Doc (the link is found in Teams)

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr11H – lundi le 17 avril

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • travaillé les compositions sur Les Misérables
    • I’ve loaded a document to help you with French essay writing in Teams (it’s one of the assignment attachments) – I can’t post it here due to copyright laws!

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • nous travaillons encore les compositions dans le labo B213 mercredi le 19 avril
  • les compositions sont dues vendredi le 28 avril sur Teams
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Fr8 P1&3 – lundi le 17 avril

Today we:

  • worked on the restaurant presentations in the computer lab B213

For next class:

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Fr8 P6&8 – vendredi le 14 avril

Today we:

  • worked on the restaurant presentation using iPads

For next class:

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Fr11 Un2 Oral component order (happening April 17 & 19)

  1. Chelsea
  2. Kiran
  3. Jasmine L
  4. Lauren
  5. Oliver
  6. Amelia
  7. Daniel
  8. Jasmine C
  9. Iago
  10. Klaire
  11. Lakshmi
  12. Kristina
  13. Jonas
  14. Darius
  15. Emiliano
  16. Giuliana
  17. Vianca
  18. Sheanne
  19. Pablo
  20. Joshua
  21. Aliyah
  22. Maya
  23. Lordrikk
  24. Danilo
  25. Kian
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Fr11 – jeudi le 13 avril

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit & corrigé le quiz de grammaire (y/en & futur simple)
  • travaillé les présentations de la tâche finale (Un2)

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Term 3 Catch-up afternoons

Were you away the day of a test? Did you not earn a passing grade on the test?

If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then you need a catch-up afternoon! They are in my classroom, E204 and begin ~ 3:10pm.

If you were away the day of the test, just show up at the catch-up afternoon.

If you did not earn a passing grade on the test and would like another chance to show your learning, you need to do the following at least 48 hours before the catch up afternoon:

  • Test rewrite application
  • show me all completed work that was available to help you practice the material (completed cahier, Supersite, worksheets etc)
  • Also remember that you’re welcome to come see me during flex time to get help!

Catch-up afternoon dates:

  • Wednesday May 10th
  • Wednesday May 24th
  • Wednesday May 31st
Posted in Catch-up afternoons, French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8 | Leave a comment

Fr8 P1&3 – jeudi le 13 avril

Today we:

  • wrote the vouloir & pouvoir quiz
  • worked on the promotion for the restaurant (Mme Romain handed out a template to help with this)

For next class:

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