Fr8 P5 – lundi le 11 sept

Today we:

  • played review Jeopardy!!

For next class:

  • talk to your adult about if you’d like to write in the cahiers (workbooks) this year. If yes, you can pay the $5 replacement cost on School Cash Online (link is on the Burnaby South website)
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Fr10H – vendredi le 8 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • joué à Jeopardy pour faire la révision

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P1&4 – vendredi le 8 sept

Today we:

  • played review Jeopardy!!

For next class:

  • talk to your adult about if you’d like to write in the cahiers (workbooks) this year. If yes, you can pay the $5 replacement cost on School Cash Online (link is on the Burnaby South website)
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Fr11 – jeudi le 7 sept

Today we:

For next class:

  • in a few classes, we are going to be reviewing/learning some grammar concepts and it would make your life waaaay easier to have the notes printed out (because I’m going to be going too quickly for you to copy it all down):
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Fr11H – jeudi le 7 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • regardé les informations sur le cours
  • discuté les règles de la classe
  • pratiqué quelques phrases à l’orale
  • complété le questionnaire (lien trouvé en haut)

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • aucun devoirs (unless you were away for part of the class and have not yet joined our class on
Posted in French 11 Honours | Leave a comment

Fr8 P5 – jeudi le 7 sept

Today we:

For next class:

  • talk to your adult about if you’d like to write in the cahiers (workbooks) this year. If yes, you can pay the $5 replacement cost on School Cash Online (link is on the Burnaby South website)
Posted in French 8 | Leave a comment

Fr10H – mercredi le 6 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • regardé les informations sur le cours
  • discuté les règles de la classe
  • pratiqué quelques phrases à l’orale
  • complété le questionnaire (lien trouvé en haut)

Pour la prochaine classe:

Posted in French 10 Honours | Leave a comment

Fr8 P1&4 – mercredi le 6 sept

Today we:

For next class:

  • talk to your adult about if you’d like to write in the cahiers (workbooks) this year. If yes, you can pay the $5 replacement cost on School Cash Online (link is on the Burnaby South website)
Posted in French 8 | Leave a comment

French start of the year questionnaire

Bonjour et bienvenue!

Please complete this during our first class together: French start of the year questionnaire

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8, Start of the year survey | Leave a comment

Fr10H – mardi le 20 juin

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • apportez vos textes si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait!
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