Fr8 P5 – jeudi le 28 sept

Today we:

  • did a mock quiz to practice the alphabet & numbers
    • for the real quiz, I will read out 7 letters & 7 numbers (1-100) and you will have to write them down. You will also need to write out time in full sentences
  • finished learning how to tell time
    • completed the time WS package
    • corrected the time WS package
    • played Bingo to practice time in French!

For next class:

  • completed the time WS package if you didn’t finish it in class
  • Quiz – alphabet, numbers (1-100) & time – jeudi le 5 oct
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Fr10H – mercredi le 27 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • commencé Unité 0 (préliminaire)!
    • fait notre première pré-Dictée
    • appris de nouveau vocabulaire – Tp18-19
      • fait Tp19 #1
      • fait une activité orale – Tp20 #4
    • pratiqué la prononciation – Tp21
  • commencé Cp1-2 #2-4

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P1&4 – mercredi le 27 sept

Today we:

  • did a mock quiz to practice the alphabet & numbers
    • for the real quiz, I will read out 7 letters & 7 numbers (1-100) and you will have to write them down. You will also need to write out time in full sentences
  • finished learning how to tell time
    • completed the time WS package (P1)
    • corrected the time WS package (P1)
    • played Bingo to practice time in French!

For next class:

  • completed the time WS package if you didn’t finish it in class
  • Quiz – alphabet, numbers (1-100) & time – mercredi le 4 oct
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Fr11 – mardi le 26 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • corrigé les activités sur les pronoms directs & indirects
  • commencé Unité 0 (préliminaire)!
    • fait notre première pré-Dictée
    • appris de nouveau vocabulaire – Tp18-19
      • fait Tp19 #1
      • fait une activité orale – Tp20 #4
    • pratiqué la prononciation – Tp21
  • commencé Cp1-2 #2-4

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr11H – mardi le 26 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • apportez vox textes (et cahiers) parce que nous commençons Unité 3!!!!!
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Fr8 P5 – mardi le 26 sept

Today we:

  • wrote our first dictée!
  • corrected the greetings & salutations WS
  • practiced greetings out loud
  • learned how to tell time (only the hour up to 30 minutes – we’ll learn 31-59 next class)
  • started working on the time WS

For next class:

  • Time WS package:
    • p12 – all of the top half; only 10:07, 11:17, 6:20 & 4:05 in the bottom half (you don’t have to answer the 4 questions at the bottom)
    • p14
      • A – 1,3,5
      • B – 1,3,4,6,7,8
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Fr10H – lundi le 25 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • do as much or as little of the pronouns activities as you need to be confident & strong in your skills
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Fr8 P1&4 – lundi le 25 sept

Today we:

  • wrote our first dictée!
  • corrected the greetings & salutations WS
  • practiced greetings out loud
  • learned how to tell time (only the hour up to 30 minutes – we’ll learn 31-59 next class)
  • started working on the time WS

For next class:

  • Time WS package:
    • p12 – all of the top half; only 10:07, 11:17, 6:20 & 4:05 in the bottom half (you don’t have to answer the 4 questions at the bottom)
    • p14
      • A – 1,3,5
      • B – 1,3,4,6,7,8
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Fr11 – jeudi le 21 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • corrigé les devoirs:
    • Tp8
    • Imparfait WS
  • appris/fait la révision des pronoms directs & indirects (me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, lui & leur) en utilisant le PPT
  • pratiqué les pronoms – WS

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • do as much or as little of the pronouns package as you need to be confident in your skills
  • bring your textbooks next class – we’re starting Unité préliminaire
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Fr11H – jeudi le 21 sept

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • Aucun devoirs! Mardi nous allons travaillé l’imparfait/PC et les pronoms en classe 🙂
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