Fr8 P1&4 – mardi le 14 nov

Today we:

  • handed in the family tree assignments
  • played review Jeopardy to practice for the upcoming test

For next class:

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Fr11H – vendredi le 10 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • regardé aux réponses pour le quiz de grammaire (si tu n’étais pas ici, tu peux voir les réponses sur Teams)
  • joué à Jeopardy pour faire de la révision
  • reçu les activités de révision pour préparer pour le test d’unité 3 (there is a recording on Teams to do the listening practice)

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P5 – vendredi le 10 nov

Today we:

  • corrected Cp40 & 42
  • got the quizzes back (être, avoir & -er verbs) and went through the corrections
  • did a culture activity using a video – Cp39
  • received the review packages for the CMML Test#2

For next class:

  • if you earned ‘Insufficient Evidence’ or ‘Emerging’ on the grammar quiz (être, avoir & -er verbs), you are coming back next flex day to rewrite it. Remember you will need to keep coming and rewriting the quiz until you are at a ‘Proficient’ or ‘Extending’ level!
  • Arbre généalogique – mercredi le 15 nov
  • CMML Test #2 – mardi le 21 nov
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Fr10H – jeudi le 9 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • Aujourd’hui nous avons:
    • reçu nos quizzes et avons regardé aux réponses
    • fait des activités d’écoute pour pratiquer l’imparfait vs passé composé ET savoir vs connaître
    • reçu les activités de révision pour le test (more copies as well as the answer key are available on Teams)
    • reçu les critères pour les présentations de la tâche finale
    • Important points to remember for your tâche finale presentation:
      • this can be presented live or pre-recorded
      • you MUST submit your script here on Teams
      • on your script, please highlight the various required items in different colours (ex: all imparfait in purple, all passé composé in green)
      • each of you will be marked individually for your speaking skills
      • if you plan to pre-record, but do not submit it in time, you will present live the day the presentation is due
      • if a member is away the day of the presentation (and the group is presenting live), the group will present without them. The person who is away can come see me later to make alternate arrangements
      • I’m happy to proof-read your script as long as if you give it to me with ample time to go through it
        • scripts will be read on a first-come, first serve basis
        • scripts must be proof-read in person with at least one member of the group there
        • you can ask me to proof-read scripts:
          • during flex time
          • after school
          • during class time (once everyone has finished the spoken part of the test)

      Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P1&4 – jeudi le 9 nov

Today we:

  • corrected Cp40 & 42
  • got the quizzes back (être, avoir & -er verbs) and went through the corrections
  • did a culture activity using a video – Cp39
  • received the review packages for the CMML Test#2

For next class:

  • if you earned ‘Insufficient Evidence’ or ‘Emerging’ on the grammar quiz (être, avoir & -er verbs), you are coming back next flex day to rewrite it. Remember you will need to keep coming and rewriting the quiz until you are at a ‘Proficient’ or ‘Extending’ level!
  • Arbre généalogique – mardi le 14 nov
  • CMML Test #2 – lundi le 20 nov
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Fr11 – mercredi le 8 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • reçu nos quizzes et avons regardé aux réponses
  • fait des activités d’écoute pour pratiquer l’imparfait vs passé composé ET savoir vs connaître
  • reçu les activités de révision pour le test (more copies as well as the answer key are available on Teams)
  • travaillé les présentations de la tâche finale dans le laboratoire B213
  • Important points to remember for your tâche finale presentation:
    • this can be presented live or pre-recorded
    • you MUST submit your script here on Teams
    • on your script, please highlight the various required items in different colours (ex: all imparfait in purple, all passé composé in green)
    • each of you will be marked individually for your speaking skills
    • if you plan to pre-record, but do not submit it in time, you will present live the day the presentation is due
    • if a member is away the day of the presentation (and the group is presenting live), the group will present without them. The person who is away can come see me later to make alternate arrangements
    • I’m happy to proof-read your script as long as if you give it to me with ample time to go through it
      • scripts will be read on a first-come, first serve basis
      • scripts must be proof-read in person with at least one member of the group there
      • you can ask me to proof-read scripts:
        • during flex time
        • after school
        • during class time (once everyone has finished the spoken part of the test)

    Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P5 – mercredi le 8 nov

Today we:

  • wrote the être, avoir & -er verbs quiz
  • worked on Cp40
  • learned possessive adjectives (notes are on Cp50)
  • worked on Cp41 together (no need to finish it)
  • went through the instructions for Cp42

For next class:

  • Cp40 & 42
  • if you earned ‘Insufficient Evidence’ or ‘Emerging’ on the grammar quiz (être, avoir & -er verbs), you are coming back next flex day to rewrite it. Remember you will need to keep coming and rewriting the quiz until you are at a ‘Proficient’ or ‘Extending’ level!
  • Arbre généalogique – mercredi le 15 nov
  • CMML Test #2 – mardi le 21 nov (I’ll give you a copy of the review package next class)
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Fr11H – mercredi le 8 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit le quiz de grammaire (Un3b.1 & Un3b.2)
  • corrigé les devoirs – Tp157 #1
  • fait une activité de lecture/culture – Tp154-155 & Cp55-56
  • reçu les critères pour la présentation de la tâche finale

Pour la prochaine classe:


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Fr11H – Order for the Un3 test – spoken part (Nov 15 & 17)

  1. Aisling
  2. Julia – Math contest
  3. Nikhil
  4. Omayah
  5. Mannah
  6. JM
  7. Zoya – Math contest
  8. Leo
  9. Xiyun
  10. Zia
  11. Zoe
  12. Ardelle
  13. Leeyo – Math contest
  14. Jessica
  15. Hayden
  16. Micah
  17. Cassie
  18. Lianne
  19. Ditona
  20. Isabella
  21. Angelina
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Fr8 P5 – mercredi le 8 nov

Today we:

  • wrote the être, avoir & -er verbs quiz
  • worked on Cp40
  • corrected:
    • the negative activities
    • the family vocab activity
  • learned possessive adjectives (notes are on Cp50)
  • worked on Cp41 together (no need to finish it)
  • went through the instructions for Cp42

For next class:

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