Fr8 P1&4 – lundi le 27 nov

Today we:

  • corrected Cp3-4
  • worked on Cp5 (être & adjectives)
  • did a listening activity together (and corrected it)
  • worked on Cp6

For next class:

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Term 1 Self-assessment ALL students must complete this

Bonjour à tous!

We’ve reached the end of the term and it’s time for you to complete your self assessment. Make sure to do a good job, otherwise I’ll be asking you to do it again!! Make sure to give well thought out, thoughtful responses that really focus on your French skills and how they are progressing.

This must be completed no later than 3:05pm on Thursday November 30th!

Term 1 self-assessment

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Fr11 – jeudi le 23 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit le test d’unité 0

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr11H – jeudi le 23 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit le test d’unité 3

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P5 – jeudi le 23 nov

Today we:

  • got our tests back and went through the answer key
  • got our cahiers (workbooks) for the new unit – Mosaïque
  • did pré-dictée A
  • did (and corrected) Cp1
  • did a listening activity – Cp2
  • worked on Cp3 & 4

For next class:

  • finish whatever you didn’t complete in class – Cp3 & 4
  • Dictée A – vendredi le 8 déc
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Fr10H – jeudi le 23 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit le test d’unité 0

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P1&4 – mercredi le 22 nov

Today we:

  • got our tests back and went through the answer key
  • got our cahiers (workbooks) for the new unit – Mosaïque
  • did pré-dictée A
  • did (and corrected) Cp1
  • did a listening activity – Cp2
  • worked on Cp3 (optional) & 4

For next class:

  • finish whatever you didn’t complete in class – Cp3 (optional) & 4
  • Dictée A – jeudi le 7 déc
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Fr11 – mardi le 21 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • joué à Jeopardy pour faire la révision pour le test!

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr11H – mardi le 21 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • travaillé les présentations de la tâche finale

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr8 P5 – mardi le 21 nov

Today we:

  • wrote the CMML Test #2

For next class:

  • Bring your cahiers to return to me if you were borrowing it (did not pay for it and did not write in it)
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