Fr11H – lundi le 4 déc

Today we:

  • continued conferencing (and got the Un3 tests & tâche finale marks back)
  • started to the movie (Le dîner des cons)

For next class:

  • we’ll continue conferencing and watching the movie!
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Fr11 – jeudi le 30 nov

Today we:

  • finished the Un0 Tâche Finale presentations
  • got the Un0 tests back
  • completed the work habit self-assessment (the paper one)
  • completed end of term self-assessment (the electronic one)
  • conferenced with Mme Romain (had a discussion about your term grade)

For next class:

  • If you haven’t completed all the things listed above, get them done! 🙂
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Fr11H – jeudi le 30 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • rien!
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Fr8 P5 – jeudi le 30 nov

Today we:

  • completed the work habit self-assessment (the paper one)
  • completed end of term self-assessment (the electronic one)
  • conferenced with Mme Romain (had a discussion about where you’re at – Emerging, Developing, Proficient, or Extending)

For next class:

  • If you haven’t completed all 3 things listed above, get them done! 🙂
  • Dictée A – vendredi le 8 déc
  • Vocab quiz – mardi le 12 déc
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Fr10H – mercredi le 29 nov

Today we:

  • finished the Un0 Tâche Finale presentations
  • got the Un0 tests back
  • completed the work habit self-assessment (the paper one)
  • completed end of term self-assessment (the electronic one)
  • conferenced with Mme Romain (had a discussion about your term grade)

For next class:

  • If you haven’t completed all the things listed above, get them done! 🙂
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Fr8 P1&4 – mercredi le 29 nov

Today we:

  • completed the work habit self-assessment (the paper one)
  • completed end of term self-assessment (the electronic one)
  • conferenced with Mme Romain (had a discussion about where you’re at – Emerging, Developing, Proficient, or Extending)

For next class:

  • If you haven’t completed all 3 things listed above, get them done! 🙂
  • Dictée A – jeudi le 7 déc
  • Vocab quiz – lundi le 11 déc
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Fr11 – mardi le 28 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • fait les présentations de la tâche finale

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • rien!!
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Fr11H – mardi le 28 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • fait les présentations de la tâche finale

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • rien!!
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Fr8 P5 – mardi le 28 nov

Today we:

  • corrected Cp3-4
  • worked on Cp5 (être & adjectives)
  • did a listening activity together (and corrected it)
  • worked on Cp6

For next class:

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Fr10H – lundi le 27 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • fait les présentations de la tâche finale

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • on va finir les présentations de la tâche finale
  • on va faire les auto-évaluations!
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