Fr8 P5 – mercredi le 31 jan

Today we:

  • did Mosaïque Dictée B
  • did a logique activity in groups  – Tp16&17
  • worked on Cp28-31

For next class:

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Fr10H – mardi le 30 jan

Aujourd’hui nous avons travaillé:

  • les discours (nous commençons lundi le 5 fév)
  • l’activité de révision (le test est maintenant jeudi le 1er fév)

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • Un1a test est maintenant jeudi le 1er fév
  • Discours (concours d’art oratoire) – lundi le 5 fév
    • Voilà l’ordre:
      1. Vanessa
      2. Aniq
      3. Robin
      4. Daniel
      5. Surabhi
      6. Celina
      7. Kevin
      8. Kenrich
      9. Nadia
      10. Becca
      11. Jaden
      12. Jenna
      13. Labib
      14. Kyle
      15. Nolan
      16. Karahan
      17. Maddie
      18. Ahmad
      19. Tyler
      20. Krizel
      21. Nancy
      22. Stephanie
      23. Jayden
      24. Lucas
      25. Vic
      26. Ashley


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Fr8 P1&4 – mardi le 30 jan

Today we:

For next class:

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Fr11 – lundi le 30 jan

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit le test Un1a

Pour la prochaine classe:

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Fr10H – Un1a test postponed

A number of students came and asked for the test to be postponed and since the other class this week was set aside to work on the concours, that was an easy switch. Therefore, our new schedule for this week is:

  • mardi le 30 jan – on travaille les discours (concours d’art oratoire)
  • jeudi le 1er fév – Un1a test

This also means we are delaying having cake. I had it planned that we would have it on Thursday while we worked on speeches. However, since the test will now be Thursday, we will need to delay. We also can’t have cake the same day as the speeches, so the cake won’t happen until the week of Feb 12th at the earliest.


Please spread the word!

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Fr11H – lundi le 29 jan

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit le test Un4a

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • nous commençons les discours mercredi le 31 jan!! Cliquez ici pour l’ordre
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Fr8 P5 – lundi le 29 jan

Today we:

For next class:

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Translators – Important (Fr10H & Fr11H)

Bonjour à tous,

As I have been proof-reading speeches, I have come across a number of speeches where the individual used a translator. It seems as though many thought that as long as if it wasn’t Google Translate, then it was ok. That is not the case.

The main point of this speech is for you to practice your French skills and show me what you can do. By using a translator, you are not showing your French skills whatsoever, and are instead showing me what you can write in English and then what an online tool can do. In fact, if you submit work that is not yours, that is plagiarism…you are, in essence cheating, and lying to me.

I’m not here to teach/support/assess online tools, I’m here to teach/support/assess YOU!

So…if you used a translator (of any sort) for any part of your speech, you MUST rewrite those sections in your own words. If you present a speech that you did not write yourself, it will be considered academic dishonesty and we will have to proceed from there.

I highly recommend using online dictionaries (where you look up individual words, not phrases) as you write your speech. Then I strongly encourage you to use to proof-read your speech. It will help you find grammatical and vocabulary errors!

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Fr8 P1&4 – vendredi le 19 jan

Today we:

  • corrected Cp21-22
  • got our grammar quizzes back
    • since these are essential skills, IF you earned Insufficient Evidence or Emerging, you MUST rewrite the quiz until you earn Developing, Proficient or Extending
      • You MUST come Monday January 22nd at 1pm to rewrite the quiz. You will come back each day during assessment week during flex time (1pm) until you earn Developing, Proficient or Extending
      • Before rewriting the quiz, you must correct all mistakes on the original quiz and show it to me. You are also allowed to ask for help with your corrections
      • Here’s the link to the review package if you would like to complete it again (and remember the answer key is available on this page as well)
  • did Mosaïque pré-Dictée B
  • practiced the spoken questions found on Cp19 in a group activity

For next class:

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Fr8 P5 – mardi le 16 jan

Today we:

  • corrected Cp21-22
  • got our grammar quizzes back
    • since these are essential skills, IF you earned Insufficient Evidence or Emerging, you MUST rewrite the quiz until you earn Developing, Proficient or Extending
      • IF we are here at school tomorrow (Wednesday Jan 17), then you MUST come to flex time Thursday January 18th to rewrite the quiz
      • If we are not at school tomorrow, then you MUST come Monday January 22nd at 1pm to rewrite the quiz. You will come back each day during assessment week during flex time (1pm) until you earn Developing, Proficient or Extending
      • Before rewriting the quiz, you must correct all mistakes on the original quiz and show it to me. You are also allowed to ask for help with your corrections
      • Here’s the link to the review package if you would like to complete it again (and remember the answer key is available on this page as well)
  • did a partnered spoken activity – Cp20
  • practiced the spoken questions found on Cp19 in a group activity

For next class:

  • Mosaïque Dictée B – mercredi le 31 jan (we will do the pré-dictée together in class lundi le 29 jan)
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