Fr8 P5 – mercredi le 3 avril

Today we:

  • corrected the vouloir WS
  • did pré-dictée C
  • did a listening activity – Cp25
  • learned the verb pouvoir
  • had time to work on:
    • the menu & recette secrète
    • pouvoir WS #1-3

For next class:

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Fr10H – mardi le 2 avril

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • regardé aux réponses pour le test d’unité 1
  • commencé Les trois mousquetaires (partie de ch 1)

Pour la prochaine class:

  • rien!!
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Fr8 P1 & 4 – mardi le 2 avril

Today we:

  • corrected the vouloir WS
  • did pré-dictée C
  • did a listening activity – Cp25
  • learned the verb pouvoir
  • had time to work on:
    • the menu & recette secrète
    • pouvoir WS #1-3

For next class:

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Fr11 – vendredi le 15 mars

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • fini le filme Les Misérables
  • joué à Loup Garou

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • since we played Loup Garou instead of doing the listening activities (and correcting the cahier), I have posted the listening activities and audio files on Teams so that you can do them on your own time. This is optional, but if you feel that there is room for growth in your listening activities, I would STRONGLY encourage you to do them!!
  • We will be doing a quick written response (in English) to the movie Les Misérables when we return after spring break. So…if you were not exactly paying attention to the movie, you may want to watch it over the break!
  • Happy Spring Break!
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Fr11H – vendredi le 15 mars

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • fini le livre Les Misérables

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • absolument rien!!!
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Fr8 P5 – vendredi le 15 mars

Today we:

  • corrected Cp20
  • learned a new verb!
    • Vouloir = to want
    • we worked on the vouloir WS
  • practiced vocab – Cp21
  • got the criteria for the menu & recette secrète
    • had time to work on them

For next class:

  • finish whatever you didn’t finish in class:
    • vouloir WS
    • Cp21
  • Menu & recette secrète – due vendredi le 5 avril
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Fr8 P1&4 – jeudi le 14 mars

Today we:

  • corrected Cp20
  • learned a new verb!
    • Vouloir = to want
    • we worked on the vouloir WS
  • practiced vocab – Cp21
  • got the criteria for the menu & recette secrète
    • had time to work on them

For next class:

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Fr8 P5 – mercredi le 13 mars

Today we:

  • finished watching the movie Ratatouille

For next class:

  • don’t forget to complete the work I assigned Thursday 7th (Cp19-20)!!
  • bring your cahiers!
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Fr10H – mardi le 12 mars

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • écrit le test d’unité 4

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • les présentations de la tâche finale sont dues!
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Fr8 P1&4 – mardi le 12 mars

Today we:

  • finished watching the movie Ratatouille

For next class:

  • don’t forget to complete the work I assigned March 6th (Cp19-20)!!
  • bring your cahiers!
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