Category Archives: French 8

Fr8 (day 1) – jeudi le 25 avril

Today we: did a listening activity (some people were soooooo scared…) on Cp5 learned the Futur Proche! (Click here to access the WS) did Cp7 continued working on the Futur Proche WS package For next class: Dictée A – mardi … Continue reading

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Fr8 (P8) – mercredi le 24 avril

Today we: did a listening activity (some people were soooooo scared…) on Cp5 learned the Futur Proche! (Click here to access the WS) did Cp7 continued working on the Futur Proche WS package For next class: Dictée A – vendredi … Continue reading

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Fr8 (Day 1) – mardi le 23 avril

Today we: started our new (and last) unit: Phénomènes canadiens did pré-Dictée A learned some new vocabulary – Tp115 did Cp3 (based on Tp114-117) learned Canadian provinces & territories in French did part of a listening activity (we’ll finish it … Continue reading

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Fr8 (day2) – jeudi le 18 avril

Today we: finished the restaurant presentations finished watching Ratatouille started our new unit! did pré-Dictée A learned Canadian provinces & territories in French (Cp4) worked on the word search (Cp4) For next class: finish Cp4 Dictée A – vendredi le … Continue reading

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Fr8 (day 1) – mercredi le 17 avril

Today we: finished watching Ratatouille For next class: we will start the next unit, so bring your cahiers! 🙂

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Fr8 (day 2) – mardi le 16 avril

Today we: continued watching Ratatouille For next class: we will finish the movie and start our next unit: Les phénomènes canadiens, so bring in $3 for the next (and last) cahier if you would like to write in it and … Continue reading

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Fr8 (day 1) – lundi le 15 avril

Today we: continued watching Ratatouille For next class: we will finish the movie and start our next unit: Les phénomènes canadiens, so bring in $3 for the next (and last) cahier if you would like to write in it and … Continue reading

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Fr8 (P8) – vendredi le 12 avril

Today we: finished the Restaurant Tâche Finale presentations For next class: we will continue watching Ratatouille

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Fr8 (day 1) – jeudi le 11 avril

Today we: finished the Restaurant Tâche Finale presentations For next class: P3 – we will continue watching Ratatouille P4 – I am not yet sure what we are doing, so make sure to bring your stuff

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Fr8 (day2) – lundi le 8 avril

Today we: wrote the Entrepreneurs en Herbe unit test For next class: EEH Tâche Finale (restaurant presentations) – mercredi le 10 avril

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