Category Archives: French 8

Fr8 P8 – lundi le 14 juin

Today we: wrote the PC Dictée A corrected the futur proche WS (p85-86 #1-3) read a story about Ogopogo – Tp118-119 & did a couple of activities – Cp10-11 did a listening activity to practice our phenomena vocab & futur … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – vendredi le 11 juin

Today we: finished watching Ratatouille started our new (and last) unit – Phénomènes Canadiens got our tests back (EEH) did PC Pré-dictée A did Cp3 (using Tp114-117) did a listening activity – Cp5 learned the Futur proche p85 (big stapled … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – mardi le 8 juin

Today we: played review Jeopardy worked on our restaurant presentations in the computer lab (Click here for the evaluation sheet) For next class: EEH Unit test – mercredi le 9 juin EEH Tâche Finale (restaurant presentations) – jeudi le 10 … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – lundi le 7 juin

Today we: wrote the vouloir/pouvoir quiz worked on Cp36 worked on the EEH review package (p77-80 in the big stapled package) worked on our restaurant presentations in the computer lab (Click here for the evaluation sheet) For next class: EEH … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – vendredi le 4 juin

Today we: wrote Dictée C corrected: Cp21, 23, 27 & 28 pouvoir WS – big stapled package p73-74 talked about décor and ambiance (looked at a bunch of different types of restaurant) worked on Cp29 & 31 did a couple … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – jeudi le 3 juin

Today we: wrote EEH pré-Dictée C corrected the vouloir WS worked on the menus & recipes (handed in at break) Looking for a sample? Click here! did a listening activity – Cp25 learned the verb pouvoir WS – big stapled … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – mercredi le 2 juin

Today we: wrote the -IR & -RE verbs quiz worked on Cp19-21 corrected Cp17-18 did a listening activity learned the verb vouloir went through the criteria for the menu & recette secrète For next class: finish whatever you didn’t complete in … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – mardi le 1er juin

Today we: corrected: Cp8 & 11 -RE verbs WS practiced articles (Cp12-13) did an oral activity to practice vocab & articles (Cp14) did an assessment on our use of articles practiced verbs in the infinitive (Cp17) worked on steps in … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – lundi le 31 mai

Today we: corrected: Cp2,5,6 p66-68 in the big stapled package did a listening activity learned -RE verbs – p69-70 in the big stapled package did a group activity to practice learning new vocab worked on Cp8a & 11 For next … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – EEH Assessment dates

EEH Dictée A – mardi le 1er juin Quiz – IR & -RE verbs – mercredi le 2 juin EEH Dictée C – vendredi le 4 juin Quiz – vouloir & pouvoir – lundi le 7 juin EEH Unit test … Continue reading

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