Category Archives: French 8

Fr8 P8 – mercredi le 14 sept

Today we: got our first workbooks (Le cas mystérieux de Monsieur Leblanc) set up ClassDojo (and customized the monsters) learned the alphabet learned numbers 1-20 did a worksheet to practice numbers 1-20 set up our battleship boards – Battleship Board … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&3 – mardi le 13 sept

Today we: got our first workbooks (Le cas mystérieux de Monsieur Leblanc) set up ClassDojo (and customized the monsters) learned the alphabet learned numbers 1-20 did a worksheet to practice numbers 1-20 set up our battleship boards – Battleship Board … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – lundi le 12 sept

Today we: played Review Jeopardy! For next class: no homework!!

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Fr8 – vendredi le 9 sept

Today we: played Review Jeopardy! For next class: no homework!!

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School Photos – Tuesday Sept 13th

Don’t forget that school photos are Tuesday Sept 13th!!

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Fr8 – le 7/8 sept

Today we: went through the course outline & expectations filled out the back to school questionnaire For next class: no homework!!

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Back to school questionnaire (to be completed)

To help me get to know each of you a bit better, I’m asking that you please fill out this start of the year questionnaire!

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8 | Leave a comment

Fr8 – mercredi le 19 jan

Today we: got our phénomènes canadiens tests back went through progress reports and talked with Mme Romain about overall final grades did a French culture reflection started “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” (inspired by the novel by French … Continue reading

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French 8 – Flex time on Tuesday January 25th @1pm

In class today and tomorrow, I am having meetings with all students to talk about their final grades in French 8. If you and I have agreed that you can come to write (or rewrite) something, you are coming in Tuesday … Continue reading

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Fr8 – mardi le 18 jan

Today we: wrote our last test of the course!!! For next class: don’t forget to complete the end of course self-assessment (if you haven’t already completed it) by 11:59pm TONIGHT! French 8 end of course self-assessment/refelction

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