Category Archives: French 8

Fr8 P5 – Important dates for the rest of the year

le 30 mai et le 3 & 5 juin – we will be working on the tâche finale presentations, if you have a device you can bring from home, please bring it! vendredi le 7 juin – review Jeopardy mardi … Continue reading

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Fr8 P5 – mardi le 28 mai

Today we: did PC Dictée B (our last dictée of the year)!! corrected Cp23 & 24. We WERE going to also correct Cp28, but since more than half of you didn’t complete it, we need to postpone our activity to … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&4 – lundi le 27 mai

Today we: wrote the passé composé & futur proche quiz corrected Cp22 & Boule de feu mystérieuse (the first story in the package) learned a bit about Acadia (Tp129) read/listened to another story – Tp128  and did Cp25 got the … Continue reading

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Fr8 P5 – vendredi le 24 mai

Today we: wrote the passé composé & futur proche quiz corrected Cp22 & Boule de feu mystérieuse (the first story in the package) learned a bit about Acadia (Tp129) read/listened to another story – Tp128  and did Cp25 got the … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&4 – jeudi le 23 mai

Today we: corrected Cp21 & the passé composé package did pré-Dictée B played a game of Kahoot to practice the passé composé worked on Cp22 together, then had time to complete it started working on the Boule de feu mystérieuse … Continue reading

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Fr8 P5 – mercredi le 22 mai

Today we: corrected Cp21 & the passé composé package did pré-Dictée B played a game of Kahoot to practice the passé composé worked on Cp22 together, then had time to complete it started working on the Boule de feu mystérieuse … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&4 – mardi le 21 mai

Today we: corrected the Passé composé WS #1-5 (not P1) did a couple of listening activities – Cp17 & 19 played a game of Kahoot to practice identifying the présent & passé composé practiced the present tense – Cp21 learned … Continue reading

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Fr8 P5 – jeudi le 16 mai

Today we: corrected the Passé composé WS #1-5 did a couple of listening activities – Cp17 & 19 played a game of Kahoot to practice identifying the présent & passé composé practiced the present tense – Cp21 learned some irregular … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&4 – mercredi le 15 mai

Today you: learned the passé composé had time to work on the passé composé package – #1-5 played a game to practice the passé composé For next class: passé composé package #1-5

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Fr8 P5 – mardi le 14 mai

Today we: corrected the futur proche package & Cp14 learned the passé composé had time to work on the passé composé package – #1-5 played a game to practice the passé composé For next class: passé composé package #1-5

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