Category Archives: French 8

Fr8 P8 – vendredi le 3 fév

Today we: wrote the Mosaïque Unit test! For next class: Mosaïque Presentations – mardi le 7 fév

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Fr8 P6 – vendredi le 3 fév

Today we: corrected the -er verbs WS played review Jeopardy!! For next class: No homework over the weekend! 🙂

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Fr8 P1&3 – jeudi le 2 fév

Today we: did the listening part of the review package went through the answer key for the review package played Review Jeopardy! For next class: Mosaïque Unit test – lundi le 6 fév Mosaïque Presentations – mercredi le 8 fév

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Fr8 P8 – mardi le 1er fév

Today we: did the listening part of the review package went through the answer key for the review package played Review Jeopardy! For next class: Mosaïque Unit test – vendredi le 3 fév Mosaïque Presentations – mardi le 7 fév

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Fr8 P6 – mercredi le 1er fév

Today we: created the ClassDojo monsters learned -er verbs (if you were away, here’s the link to the notes) worked on the -er verbs worksheets For next class: -er verbs worksheets (finish sections 1-6)

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Fr8 P1&3 – mardi le 31 jan

Today we: worked on the Mosaïque Review Package started working on the Mosaïque presentation – due mercredi le 8 fév For next class: Mosaïque Unit test – lundi le 6 fév Mosaïque presentation – due mercredi le 8 fév Either … Continue reading

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Fr8 P8 – lundi le 30 jan

Today we: worked on the Mosaïque Review Package started working on the Mosaïque presentation – due mardi le 7 fév For next class: Mosaïque Unit test – vendredi le 3 fév Mosaïque presentation – due mardi le 7 fév Either … Continue reading

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Fr8 P6 – lundi le 30 jan

Today we: went through classroom expectations etc filled out the Get to know you survey played Kahoot to do a bit of review! For next class: no homework! 🙂

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Fr8 P1&3 – vendredi le 20 jan

Today you: did Mosaïque Dictée B did some logique & naturaliste activities: Cp29 textbook activity in groups (Tp16-17) Cp30-33 For next class: FYI – the Mosaïque test will be lundi le 6 fév

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F8 P8 – jeudi le 19 jan

Today you: did Mosaïque Dictée B did some logique & naturaliste activities: Cp29 textbook activity in groups (Tp16-17) Cp30-33 For next class: FYI – the Mosaïque test will be vendredi le 3 fév

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