Category Archives: French 8

Fr8 P6&8 – mercredi le 15 fév

Today we: wrote EEH Dictée A corrected: Possessive adjectives WS Cp5-6 learned -RE verbs together started working on the -RE verbs package – Exercises A & B For next class: -RE verbs package – Exercises A & B

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Fr8 P1&3 – mardi le 14 fév

Today we: corrected the -IR verbs WS & Cp3 learned possessive adjectives (Cp38 has a reference table) did a listening activity – Cp7 worked on: the possessive adjectives WS Cp5 (word search) Cp6 (possessive adjectives) For next class: Possessive adjectives … Continue reading

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Fr8 P6&8 – lundi le 13 fév

Today we: corrected the -IR verbs WS & Cp3 learned possessive adjectives (Cp38 has a reference table) did a listening activity – Cp7 worked on: the possessive adjectives WS Cp5 (word search) Cp6 (possessive adjectives) For next class: Possessive adjectives … Continue reading

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French 8s who want to rewrite section(s) of the Mosaïque Unit test

Here’s the link to the review package & answer key to help you prepare!

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Fr8 P1&3 – vendredi le 10 fév

Today we: got our cahiers for our next unit – Entrepreneurs en herbe did EEH pré-Dictée A learned -IR verbs had time to work on: -IR verbs package – Exercise A Cp3 For next class: -IR verbs package – Exercise … Continue reading

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Fr8 P6&8

Today we: got our cahiers for our next unit – Entrepreneurs en herbe did EEH pré-Dictée A learned -IR verbs had time to work on: -IR verbs package – Exercise A Cp3 For next class: -IR verbs package – Exercise … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&3 – mercredi le 8 fév

Today we: did the Mosaïque presentations received the next unit’s cahier For next class: bring your new cahier because we’re starting the next unit!

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Fr8 P8 – mardi le 7 fév

Today we: did the Mosaïque presentations received the next unit’s cahier For next class: bring your new cahier because we’re starting the next unit!

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Fr8 P6 – mardi le 7 fév

Today we: learned a bunch of questions (and how to respond to them): Comment t’appelles-tu? Quel âge as-tu? Où est-ce que tu habites? Quel sport est-ce que tu pratiques? Est-ce que tu joues d’un instrument de musique? Quelle est ta … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&3 – lundi le 6 fév

Today we: wrote the Mosaïque Unit test! For next class: Mosaïque Presentations – mercredi le 8 fév

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