Category Archives: French 8

Fr8 P5 – lundi le 8 jan

Today we: did a bit of review of the verbs we learned in the fall (être, avoir, -er verbs & faire) as well as the negative did an individual writing activity to work on verb conjugations did a listening activity … Continue reading

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Joyeux Noël et bonne année!!

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Fr8 P1&4 – vendredi le 15 déc

Today we: handed in the Super Athlète assignments played Bingo to practice the new vocab we learned last class! worked on the Christmas activities package For next class: no homework!!!!

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Fr8 P5 – jeudi le 14 déc

Today we: had a chance to ask questions about the super athlète assignment (due Monday) learned some Christmas vocab and played bingo (to be continued next class) For next class: Super athlète assignment – due lundi le 18 déc (either … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&4 – mercredi le 13 déc

Today we: had a chance to ask questions about the super athlète assignment (due Friday) learned some Christmas vocab and played bingo (to be continued next class) For next class: Super athlète assignment – due vendredi le 15 déc (either … Continue reading

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Fr8 P5 – mardi le 12 déc

Today we: wrote the Mosaïque vocab quiz did the Olympics PPT (learned jouer à & faire de) Mme Romain handed out notes got the criteria for the Super Athlète assignment (due lundi le 16 déc) This can either be handed … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&4 – lundi le 11 déc

Today we: wrote the Mosaïque vocab quiz did the Olympics PPT (learned jouer à & faire de) Mme Romain handed out notes got the criteria for the Super Athlète assignment (due vendredi le 15 déc) This can either be handed … Continue reading

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Fr8 P5 – vendredi le 8 déc

Today we: did Mosaïque Dictée A worked on our reading comprehension in groups (Tp6-9) worked on the cahier – Cp8, 9a, 10-12 & 13 For next class: finish Cp8, 9a, 10-12 & 13 (whatever you didn’t finish in class) Vocab … Continue reading

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Fr8 P1&4 – jeudi le 7 déc

Today we: did Mosaïque Dictée A worked on our reading comprehension in groups (Tp6-9) worked on the cahier – Cp8, 9a, 10-12 & 13 For next class: finish Cp8, 9a, 10-12 & 13 (whatever you didn’t finish in class) Vocab … Continue reading

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Fr8 P5 – mercredi le 6 déc

Today we: finished Tintin!! For next class: make sure you finished Cp5&6 (it was due the other day, but we haven’t corrected it yet) Dictée A – vendredi le 8 déc Vocab quiz – mardi le 12 déc

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