Category Archives: French 10 Honours

La rentée!

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Another example of why Google Translate is NOT the way to go

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Happy Summer!

I hope that you all have a fun, safe and relaxing summer!  See you in September!  

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French 10H – vendredi le 31 mai

Félicitations!  Aujourd’hui vous avez complété le dernier test de l’année en Français!! 😀 N’oubliez pas, vos présentations sont dues mardi le 4 juin!!

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Trip to France – Spring Break 2014

Next Spring Break (2014), we are going to be doing a trip to France! This trip is open to all Burnaby South students in grades 10-12 as of September 2014 All forms and $400 deposit are due Friday June 7th. 

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, Opportunity to practice your French | Leave a comment

Trip to France – Spring Break 2014

Next Spring Break (2014), we are going to be doing a trip to France! This trip is open to all Burnaby South students who, as of September 2013, are registered in, or have previously completed French 10, 11 or 12. … Continue reading

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Vidéo Vendredi – Kid President

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8, Vidéo Vendredi | Leave a comment

One of the many reasons NOT to use a Translator!!!

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Globe & Mail Article

An A+ student regrets his grades article

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Happy September!

Welcome back to Burnaby South for the 2011/2012 school year! Please become familiar with this site, noting that I have posted some helpful websites, dictées, some worksheets and their answer keys and a variety of other helpful items!

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8 | Leave a comment