Category Archives: French 10 Honours

Catchup afternoons for Term 1

Anyone who needs to write, or rewrite a test is welcome to come and do so on one of the following dates. It is YOUR responsibility to come, so if you cannot make either date, it is up to you to come … Continue reading

Posted in Catch-up afternoons, French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8 | Leave a comment

Fr10H – mardi le 21 oct

Supersite – révision pour le test Cp5-6 – pour jeudi le 23 Imparfait/PC “quizzes” – pour jeudi le 23 Test – mardi le 28 oct

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Fr10H – vendredi le 17 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons passé toute la class à pratiquer l’imparfait & le passé composé Pour la prochaine classe: “quiz” C pour jeudi le 23, “quiz” A & B

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Fr10H – mercredi le 8 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons: corrigé Cp1-2 regardé au site web de Mlle Romain regardé un vidéo sur YouTube pour comprendre pourquoi on ne devrait pas utiliser “Google Translate” regardé le Roman-Photo & fait quelques activités Pour la prochaine classe: Supersite (if … Continue reading

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WORDS writing contest

If you are interested in participating in this contest, please click on the link for more details. The submissions are not due until mid-February, but it’s never too early to start thinking about it! 🙂 2014 – 2015 Secondary Contest

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8 | Leave a comment

Fr10H – lundi le 6 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons: fait PréDictée A appris de nouveau vocabulaire (Tp18 & 19) et fait activités #1 -3 Pour la prochaine classe: Cp1-2 #2-4 Supersite Dictée A – vendredi le 10 oct

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French dishes

Looking for some classic French dishes and recipes? Click here for 50 of them!!

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8 | Leave a comment

French 10H Imparfait Notes

Click here to access the imparfait notes. You may also want to print out the passé composé notes if you are not already comfortable with the verb tense.

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French 10H Survey

Please take a few moments to complete this survey! French 10H Survey

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Fr10H – mardi le 27 mai

Aujourd’hui nous avons: fait le test Un2a Pour la prochaine classe (lundi le 2 juin): Dictée B

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