Category Archives: French 10 Honours

Fr10H – vendredi le 28 oct

Pour la prochaine classe: Cp7-8 #1-4 Supersite Un0 Dictée B – jeudi le 3 nov

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Trip to Québec – Spring Break 2023 – if you are interested, please complete this form no later than Sunday November 6th

Hey all! I am in the process of organizing a trip to Québec during Spring Break 2023! This has NOT yet been approved by the district as I need to know that there are enough interested students before moving to … Continue reading

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Are you checking my website regularly?

If yes, this is your lucky day! Complete this by next class 9:10am, Monday October 31st and you earn yourself a class dojo!

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Fr10H – mercredi le 26 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons: écrit notre premier test (Un0a) Pour la prochaine classe: rien!

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Halloween & Spirit Week – Oct 31-Nov4

With the fall season around the corner, Student Government would like to present the school year’s first spirit week! Spirit week will be held from October 31st-November 4th. Monday – Halloween Costumes (please be mindful of cultural appropriation) Tuesday – … Continue reading

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Fr10H – lundi le 24 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons: corrigé Cp5-6 fait des activités d’écoute (pour pratiquer l’imparfait/pc) worked on one of the Imparfait/PC “quizzes” together Pour la prochaine classe: Do as much or as little as you need to feel confident in your imparfait/passé composé … Continue reading

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Fr10H – mercredi le 19 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons: corrigé Cp3-4 lu Tp29 fait une activité orale en pairs – Tp29 #5 travaillé: Cp5-6 #1,2,4 Imparfait/PC “Quizzes” Pour la prochaine classe: Do as much or as little as you need to feel confident in your imparfait/passé … Continue reading

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Fr10H – lundi le 17 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons: complété l’auto-évaluation (Interims) – if you were away today, you need to do this when you come back!! appris l’imparfait vs passé composé (on a utilisé le PPT) travaillé: Cp3-4 #1-4 l’imparfait WS (the one we started … Continue reading

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Schedule for Nov 3&4 (because of Parent-Teacher Interviews)

***NO FLEX TIME ON NOVEMBER 3rd – PERIOD 5 starts at 8:40***  

Posted in French 10 Honours, French 11, French 11 Honours, French 8 | Leave a comment

Fr10H – mardi le 11 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons: fait notre première dictée et avons reçu une moyenne de 99.48%!!!!!!!! discuté quelques hôtels (le château Frontenac & le château Montebello) lu Tp24 et commencé #1 Pour la prochaine classe: Tp24 #1 Supersite (Flash Culture) Quiz de … Continue reading

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