Fr8 – mardi le 8 mai

Today we:

  • wrote the PC vocab quiz, they were corrected & handed back
  • worked on Cp14
  • corrected the Futur Proche WS package
  • went through the explanation of the verb poster (that is due next class):
    • 1 poster
    • Verb in large, clear letters
    • Coloured (artistically black/white)
    • 1 complete sentence using the verb correctly (present tense)
    • Illustration (make it pretty) – it needs to illustrate the verb. Ex: manger – a person eating
      • the illustration can be hand-drawn, a collage from images or done electronically

For next class:

  • Verb poster (see above)
  • Cp14
  • Period 7 – you have a verb quiz next class
  • Period 8 – you have another vocab (optional) quiz next class
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