Fr11H – mardi le 8 avril

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • discuté les pronoms ‘y’ & ‘en’ & pratiqué
  • discuté le futur simple (Tp184-187)
  • disctué le test d’unité
  • activité sur tous les pronoms – cliquez ici pour les réponses

Pour la prochaine classe:

***Also: I have assigned 2 practice quizzes (2a & 2b) to help you prepare for the unit test.  They are NOT mandatory and will NOT count for marks, but I would definitely recommend doing them.  Just note that there is no futur simple on them because I have pulled that grammar concept from unit 4 and it is therefore not on the unit 2 practice quizzes, but it IS on the unit test!!**

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