Fr10H – lundi le 17 oct

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • complété l’auto-évaluation (Interims) – if you were away today, you need to do this when you come back!!
  • appris l’imparfait vs passé composé (on a utilisé le PPT)
  • travaillé:
    • Cp3-4 #1-4
    • l’imparfait WS (the one we started a few weeks ago)

Pour la prochaine classe:

  • Cp3-4 #1-4
  • L’imparfait WS – because you were working sooooo well, it is now optional! You may want to save this and do it for extra practice before a test. Click here for the answer key
  • nous mangeons le gâteau mercredi!!!!!! Don’t forget to bring something for me to put your slice of cake on as well as something to eat it with…like a fork, a spoon…otherwise you’re eating it with your hands!!
  • Un0a test – mercredi le 26 oct
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