Fr8 (P3) – mercredi le 24 nov

Today we:

  • handed in the menu & recette secrète
  • corrected the Vouloir WS
  • did pré-Dictée C
  • read about Amanda Two-Axe Kohoko (Tp26)
  • did a listening activity – Cp25
  • learned the verb pouvoir
  • started working on Cp23 (quantities)
  • read about some traditional québécois foods – Tp30
  • started looking at l’ambiance & le décor:
    • Cp32 (listening activity)
    • Cp29 (vocab)
  • worked on quantities & prices – Cp28
  • worked on vocab – Cp31

For next class:

  • finish whatever you didn’t complete in class:
  • Dictée C – lundi le 29 nov
  • Vouloir & Pouvoir grammar check-in – mardi le 30 nov

Upcoming assessments:

  • Dictée C – lundi le 29 nov
  • Vouloir & Pouvoir grammar check-in – mardi le 30 nov
  • EEH Test – lundi le 6 déc (don’t print out the review package – I’m going to update it soon and hand it out in class)
  • EEH Présentations – vendredi le 10 déc
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