Fr8 P8 – lundi le 14 juin

Today we:

  • wrote the PC Dictée A
  • corrected the futur proche WS (p85-86 #1-3)
  • read a story about Ogopogo – Tp118-119 & did a couple of activities – Cp10-11
  • did a listening activity to practice our phenomena vocab & futur proche
  • read about some other monsters – Tp120-121
  • had time to work on :
    • finishing the rest of the Futur Proche WS (p87-88 #4-6 in the big stapled package)
    • Cp14
    • Studying for tomorrow’s vocab quiz

For next class:

  • finish the rest of the Futur Proche WS (p87-88 #4-6 in the big stapled package)
  • Cp14
  • Study for tomorrow’s vocab quiz
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