Fr8 P8 – jeudi le 29 avril

Today we:

  • corrected the #s WS & the day of the week/month WS
  • corrected Cp2
  • did a listening activity – Cp6
  • learned greetings in French – p14-16 (big stapled package)
  • practiced articles (le/la/les/un/une/des)
  • practiced our numbers (2 different oral games)
  • learned how to tell time in French, but only up to 30 minutes – p17-18 in the big stapled package
  • worked on the greetings & time worksheets in the big stapled package

For next class:

  • finish any work in the big stapled package you didn’t complete in class:
    • p15-16 (greetings)
    • p18-19 (time, but only the ones we talked about)
  • CMML Dictée A – vendredi le 30 avril
  • Quiz – alphabet, #s & time – lundi le 3 mai
    • to prepare for this, make sure to be familiar with the entire alphabet and numbers 1-100 and we will continue practicing telling time tomorrow
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