Fr8 – lundi le 12 avril

Today we:

  • wrote (and corrected) the PC Vocab Quiz
  • corrected the rest of the Futur Proche WS
  • did a reading comprehension activity
  • learned how to conjugate regular verbs (using avoir) in the passé composé
    • started working on p89-91 #1-5 (big stapled package)
  • did a listening activity – Cp17 & 19
  • played a game of Kahoot to practice our listening skills (présent & passé composé)

For next class:

  • passé composé WS p89-91 #1-5 (big stapled package)
  • Cp21
    • Cp40 is a great resource tool for this activity!!
  • Study for the Quiz (futur proche & passé composé) – mercredi le 14 avril
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