Fr8 – vendredi le 5 fév

Today we:

  • corrected the homework:
    • P5 & 13 in the big stapled package
    • Cp2
  • did a video activity – Cp4-5
  • did a listening activity – Cp6
  • learned greetings & salutations in French – big stapled package p14-16
  • learned how to tell time! – big stapled package p17

For next class:

  • complete whatever work you did not finish in class:
    • greetings & salutations – p14-16 (big stapled package)
      • Exercises A, B & E
    • telling time – p17-20 (big stapled package)
      • remember, only part of it:
        • p18: All of it EXCEPT:
          • 5:55
          • 8:40
          • #4 (at the bottom)
        •  p19-20:
          • Exercise A – 1,3,5
          • Exercise B – 1,3,4,6,7,8
          • Exercise C – 1-5
  • CMML Dictée A – lundi le 8 fév
  • Quiz – alphabet, numbers & time – mardi le 9 fév
    • We will do a practice run on Monday so you know the exact structure
    • You will need to:
      • recognize all the letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-100 when heard
      • write out time in full sentences
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