Fr11 – P6b – vendredi le 5 fév

Aujourd’hui nous avons:

  • reçu les cahiers
  • fait la Un0 préDictée A
  • appris l’imparfait (full PPT with recording is also available through Teams in our Class Materials folder)
  • joué à Jeopardy pour faire la révision

À travailler lundi le 8 fév:

  • Object Pronouns – Tp14-15 (Go to TEAMS for the lesson/recording that is found in the class materials…it’s the very first one in “Grammar Lessons”)
  • Un0a Culture – Le logement en France (Reading)

**Remember that all of the answer keys for the workbook (cahier) activities are found in our Class Files on TEAMS, so make sure to correct the activities yourself and come to class with any questions**

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