Fr8 – jeudi le 19 nov

Today we:

  • played battleship to practice our alphabet & numbers
  • reviewed numbers 1-20
  • learned numbers 21-100
  • did our first pré-Dictée (the real Dictée will be on Monday)
  • learned classroom objects
  • worked on Cp2 (Cp = Cahier page)
  • did a video/listening activity – Cp4-5

For next class:

  • Dictée A – lundi le 23 nov
  • finish “Les numéros” (p5 in the big package)
  • #20-3000 worksheet (found right after the battleship board)
  • practice the days of the week & months vocab (p12-13 in the big stapled package)
  • if you have chosen to write in the workbooks, make sure to pay the $12 using School Cash Online!
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