Fr8 P1&3 – mercredi le 24 mai

Today we:

  • corrected Cp21 & the rest of the passé composé WS
  • wrote pré-Dictée B
  • worked on Cp22
  • started working on the Boule de feu mystérieuse story activity
    • highlight, circle or underline all the verbs in the passé composé
    • answer all 5 questions (in French, but the only one you have to respond to in full sentences is “comment?”)

For next class:

  • finish Cp22
  • Boule de feu mystérieuse story activity
    • highlight, circle or underline all the verbs in the passé composé
    • answer all 5 questions (in French, but the only one you have to respond to in full sentences is “comment?”)
  • Grammar quiz on the futur proche & passé composé – vendredi le 26 mai
  • Dictée B – mardi le 30 mai
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