Fr8 P1&3 – jeudi le 30 mars

Today we:

  • corrected the vouloir WS
  • did  pré-Dictée C
  • did a listening activity – Cp25
  • learned the irregular verb pouvoir
    • worked on the WS
  • worked on quantity vocabulary – Cp23

For next class:

  • pouvoir WS
  • Cp23
  • menus & secret recipes – due lundi le 3 avril
    • remember that it needs to be handed in on a piece of paper (not electronically) and it can be written or typed, your choice!
    • For the menu, don’t forget that you need to include a short description of each menu item.
    • Click here for an example of what I’m looking for!
  • Dictée C – mercredi le 5 avril
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