Fr8 – mardi le 11 jan

Today we:

  • corrected the rest of the passé composé WS package
  • played 2 games of Kahoot to practice the passé composé and the futur proche:
  • started working on Cp22 (and did the first 3 together)

For next class:

  • complete Cp22
  • Quiz – Futur proche & passé composé – mercredi le 12 jan (P3) & jeudi le 13 jan (P2&4)
  • Click here to access a verb table that shows examples of the présent, passé composé & futur proche
  • P4 – answer the questions for the “Boule de feu mystérieuse” story – due vendredi le 14 jan (the first in the story package I gave you)
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