Fr8 – lundi le 27 sept

Today we:

  • did the listening parts of the review package since a bunch of people had difficulties with the audio file
    • corrected it together
  • went through the adjectives notes together
  • quickly went through the criteria for the Disparu(e) assignment (missing person poster)
    • due vendredi le 1er oct
  • talked about Cp21 – adjectives table

For next class:

  • Cp19-20 (if you didn’t already do it…it was due today)
  • Cp21 – adjectives table (you might need to look some up in the dictionary)
  • CMML Test #1 – mercredi le 29 sept
  • Disparu(e)! (missing person poster) – vendredi le 1er oct
    • You must make a missing person poster (can be drawn or use the computer)
    • Write 5 sentences (in French) to describe their PHYSICAL APPEARANCE
      • These sentences should be nice and simple (ex: Il a les yeux bruns.)
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