Fr8 P8 – vendredi le 11 juin

Today we:

  • finished watching Ratatouille
  • started our new (and last) unit – Phénomènes Canadiens
  • got our tests back (EEH)
  • did PC Pré-dictée A
  • did Cp3 (using Tp114-117)
  • did a listening activity – Cp5
  • learned the Futur proche p85 (big stapled package)
  • worked on Cp7 – practicing new vocab & the futur proche
  • had time to work on the futur proche WS – #1-3 p85-86 (big stapled package)

For next class:

  • PC dictée A – lundi le 14 juin
  • Futur proche WS – # 1-3 p85-86 (big stapled package)
  • Vocab Quiz – mardi le 15 juin
    • remember, you have to know what they all mean, but not how to spell them!
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