Fr8 P8 – mercredi le 28 avril

Today we:

  • corrected the #s WS
  • learned #s 21-100
  • played Battleship to practice the alphabet & #s
  • did a pré-Dictée (the real dictée is Friday)
  • learned classroom objects vocab (took notes)
  • did Cp4-5 along with the DVD to see the crime scene (M Leblanc’s classroom)
  • did Cp2 (classroom objects)
  • worked on the days & months WS – p12-13 (big stapled package)

For next class:

  • Cp2
  • complete the #s notes – p5 (big stapled package)
  • days & months WS – p12-13 (big stapled package)
  • CMML Dictée A – vendredi le 30 avril
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