Fr8 – mercredi le 14 avril

Today we:

  • wrote the PC/Futur Proche quiz
  • played a game of “Jacques dit” to practice our listening comprehension of the passé composé vs présent
  • learned a bit about Acadia
  • read another story – Tp128 & Cp25
  • learned about French adverbs (p94 in the big stapled package)
  • did PC pré-Dictée B – real dictée is vendredi le 16 avril
  • read another story (p96 in the big stapled package)
    • completed the table
  • worked on Cp29 & 31

For next class:

  • PC Dictée B – real dictée is vendredi le 16 avril
  • Whatever work you didn’t finish in class:
    • Le “Mary Celeste”, vaisseau fantôme…? – p96
    • Cp29 & 31
  • FYI – Phénomènes Canadiens Unit Test – mardi le 20 avril
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