Fr8 – lundi le 29 mars

Today we:

  • did EEH préDictée C (real dictée is TOMORROW)
  • corrected the Vouloir WS (p71-72)
  • worked on the menu & recette secrète
    • handed them in, got them proof read and they were returned (keep these and make corrections because you’ll need them Wednesday)
  • did a listening activity – Cp25
  • worked on quantities, costs & profits – Cp23,27 & 28
  • learned the verb pouvoir – p73-74

For next class:

  • finish any work you didn’t complete in class:
    • Cp23,27,28
    • Pouvoir WS – p73-74
  • make corrections on menu & recette secrète
  • Dictée C – mardi le 30 mars
  • Quiz (vouloir & pouvoir – know how to conjugate them and what they mean) – mercredi le 31 mars


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