Fr8 – jeudi le 21 jan

Today we:

  • corrected activities in the cahier and the big stapled package
  • played Kahoot to practice our listening skills (présent vs passé composé)
  • worked on changing French sentences from the passé composé to the présent (Cp22)
  • had some time to work on the rest of the passé composé WS (p83-84)
  • read another story – Boule de fu mystérieuse! (Stapled package p85) and did the reading comprehension activity at the bottom of the page
  • Cp24 – practicing verb conjugations in the présent
  • Cp26 – vocab word search

For next class:

  • Cp24 & 26
  • The rest of the passé composé WS (p83-84)
  • QUIZ – futur proche & passé composé – vendredi le 22 jan
  • FYI – Phénomènes Canadiens Unit Test – jeudi le 28 jan


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