Fr8 – lundi le 18 jan

Today we:

  • got our EEH Unit tests back & the feedback for the EEH presentations
  • started our new unit – Phénomènes Canadiens!
  • wrote the PC pré-Dictée A
  • learned some new vocab – Cp3 (using Tp114-117)
  • did a listening activity – Cp5
  • learned the Futur Proche (big stapled package p77)
  • worked on the Futur Proche WS (big stapled package p77-80)

For next class:

  • Dictée A – mardi le 19 jan
  • Futur Proche WS #1-4
  • Vocab Quiz – mercredi le 20 jan
    • Remember, the list looks super long, but tons of the words are cognates (words that are really similar in French & English) AND you don’t have to worry about spelling any of them)
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