Fr8 – vendredi le 20 nov

Today we:

  • corrected the homework (#21-3000 & days of the week/months)
  • did a listening activity (Cp6)
  • learned greetings/saluations & did some work on it (big stapled package p14-16)
  • worked on definite & indefinite articles (le/la/un/une) – Cp8
  • learned how to tell time in French

For next class:

  • Time WS (big stapled package p17-18)
    • Exercise A
      • #1,3,5
    • Exercise B
      • #1,3,4,6,7,8
  • Dictée A – lundi le 23 nov
  • Quiz (Alphabet, #s & time) – mardi le 24 nov
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