Important update about Teams

I’m still working on plans and also learning how to use Teams. If you have not already logged into Office Teams (through your school email address account), please give that a shot as we’re definitely going to be using it for the next while.
Once on ‘Teams’, you will see that I have added 2 new channels – one for me to post updates and one for questions. In the “Updates from Mme Romain”, you won’t be able to post because I want to keep it as organized as possible and easy for you all to see what activities we’re currently working on. Please make sure to turn on notifications for this channel. To do that:
1 –  Click on the 3 dots to the right of the conversation name
2 – Then click “Channel notifications”
3 – For “All new posts”, click on “Banner and feed”
*I’ve attached a couple of screenshots to help you turn on notifications. Let me know if you have any difficulties*
For the “Questions” channel, that’s where you can ask questions. I’ll answer them as quickly as I can. You can turn notifications on if you’d like, but you don’t have to. Whatever’s best for you!
One more important thing – I’ve made a post in “Updates from Mme Romain” with this same information. Could you please ‘like’ the post just so I know who has seen it?
Mme Romain
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