Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great long weekend.

Here are some suggested activities for you to work on this week. I’ve made a list of 15 (some Literacy, some Numeracy and some D.P.A.). Try to do 3 a day. For some of the activities I have included links to the Khan Academy and to a virtual game site that the Ricker family has been using nightly. You can email me at jayson.ricker@burnabyschools.ca or at rickerjay24@gmail.com  with your progress. I have enabled the comment section as well, but all comments will need to be approved before they are posted.

Remember,  please don’t print the grid. Just open a word document or a google doc and send them off. I’m really enjoying all of the pictures and artwork you are submitting to me. I am very jealous of some of your neighbourhood walks. Please keep going.

I’d like to try a KAHOOT this week. In order to play, we would need to be online at the same time on the same day. I was thinking Thursday the 16th at 10:00. Please add a comment if you are able to play. I’ll send out a link prior to the start of the game.

Week one was a successful experiment thanks to you. Remember we are all trying our best. Mistakes are how we learn. I’m still learning too. Let’s remember to keep a Growth Mindset! Keep washing your hands – it’s working!

The Virtual Classroom – Week 2

Prodigy Math