Dear Division 3 families,

I hope this email finds you all safe and well. I have been thinking about you all and recognize this is a very unusual time. I hope that you are all staying healthy and safe during this time. This is something we have never experienced before, and we are entering uncharted waters regarding how education will be delivered to your child(ren).

I just really wanted to reach out and let you know that I will be doing my best to support you all. I am doing what I can to figure out as much as possible and work out ways in which I can not only provide instruction and resources, but also provide any needed support that may be needed. I will continue to encourage and support the students’ academic, social and emotional development as best I can.

Our school is having a virtual staff meeting on Wednesday to discuss some of the next steps we will be taking as a Brentwood Park community. I will let you know more as soon as there are answers provided as to how we are to provide continuity of learning over the coming weeks. I will be in touch with more details later this week as I receive more information. I look forward to us working through all of the challenges together.

Thank you for your patience during this challenging time.

Mr. Ricker